Mountain View, CA
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The City's water master plan is a vital tool used by staff to understand and address the deficiencies in our water system and plan for the future. Since the adoption of the 2010 Water Master Plan, growth projections within the City have been updated through several planning efforts, such as the General Plan Update, the North Bayshore Precise Plan (and its subsequent update), various Specific Plans including the East Whisman Precise Plan. To evaluate the growth and its impact on our water system, the City recently completed a comprehensive update of our Water Master Plans. Through the use of computer modeling and field data, the master plan covers the entire water distribution system, provide comprehensive overview of the system functions, and include where improvements are needed based on assessments of the systems' capacity and reliability. City staff will utilize these documents to determine where there are concerns with hydraulic performance and capacity, evaluate the City's water storage and supply, and recommend a proactive and manageable utility capital improvement program for the next 10 years.
Click here to download the final draft of the 2022 Water Master Plan. Appendices may be obtained by contacting the Public Services Division at (650) 903-6329